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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving to Peru



While the country attracts many tourists each year, expatriating to Peru is still an uncommon choice.

However, the country offers a rich cultural and natural heritage, delicious gastronomy, welcoming inhabitants, and very interesting economic development opportunities.

What Are the Necessary Immigration Procedures for Moving to Peru?

It is possible to enter and stay 183 days in Peru without a visa, with a valid passport. But this option does not allow you to work.

To expatriate to Peru, it is necessary to apply for a visa:

  • Temporary visa: valid for only 90 days, it can be renewed on the spot once it has expired.
  • Resident visa: valid for one year and renewable every year. It requires supporting documents such as a work contract, and it may take several months to be obtained.

The resident visa is intended for :

  • Workers
  • Investors
  • Pensioners
  • Students
  • Family members of residents.

Once the resident visa has been obtained, it is necessary to register with the Central Registry of Foreigners and obtain a “carné de extranjeria”.

This document must be requested by both the expatriate and his/her spouse.

Can You Work in Peru as an Expatriate?

Peru applies quotas for the recruitment of expatriates. It is nevertheless possible to find a job in the country if you are a foreigner because Peru has a dynamic economy.

It is nevertheless advised to find a job before moving to Peru.

Among the promising sectors, we can mention :

  • Fishing and agriculture
  • The extraction of minerals and hydrocarbons
  • Tourism
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • The banking sector.

Spanish is essential when looking for a job, except if you wish to expatriate to Peru to work for one of the many large international companies present in the country.

In this case, English will be preferred.

It is also quite simple to expatriate to Peru to create a company: the destination is favorable to business and welcoming to investors.

Is Health Insurance Necessary for Expats in Peru?

Moving to Peru is not particularly dangerous, but you should be aware of some specific risks before leaving:

  • The water is not always clean to drink
  • Mosquitoes can transmit malaria or dengue fever
  • The high altitude of some cities can cause serious problems for some people.

Peruvian social security (EsSalud) is mandatory for all expatriate workers, except for seconded workers, as well as for students, retirees, and self-employed workers.

It covers:

  • Consultations
  • Tests
  • Hospitalization
  • Medication
  • Rehabilitation.

In Peru, health care and services are of good quality, but to be sure to be treated well and quickly taken care of, it is better to be in a big city and to turn to the private sector – but the cost of care is much higher.

This is why many people take out international health insurance before moving to Peru.

It is the best way to be taken care of quickly and to be well reimbursed in Peru, in the neighboring countries, but also during stays in your country of origin, and to benefit at the same time from an evacuation and repatriation assistance, essential for expats.

To find the most suitable contract according to your needs and budget, it is possible to use an online insurance comparator, to obtain quick and free quotes and detailed offers.

Is It Easy to Find Accommodation in Peru?

Finding accommodation when you decide to expatriate to Peru is generally quite easy.

In the big cities, the rental market proposes very varied offers, furnished or not, going from the studio to the big house in a residential complex, even if the apartments remain the most frequent offer.

Rental prices vary greatly from one city to another, depending on the chosen area and the nature of the property rented. Monthly charges must generally be added to the rent.

What Are the Expat Taxes in Peru?

It is very important to find out about your future tax status before moving to Peru and to regularize your situation in order to avoid any risk of double taxation.

Expatriating to Peru does not mean that one does not owe any more taxes in his country of origin: the owner of real estate must for example continue to pay his property taxes to his country’s tax authorities.

On the spot, it is the Peru’s National Customs and Tax Administration Superintendence (La Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria) that manages the taxes.

The tax pressure is still quite moderate in the country.

In most cases, income tax is deducted directly at the source, with a higher rate for foreigners during the first year of their employment contract.

You will also have to pay some local taxes, which are quite varied in Peru.

Frequently Asked Questions About Moving to Peru

How to obtain a resident visa in Peru?

In order to obtain a resident visa in Peru, which is valid for one year (renewable), it is necessary to present proof of employment, such as a work contract. This visa is intended for workers, investors, annuitants, students, or family members of a resident.

Does an expat have to pay taxes in Peru?

If he has the status of resident, yes. Nevertheless, some countries have a bilateral convention with Peru. It is very important to be vigilant about his tax status and to get information from his country of origin. Generally, in Peru, income tax is deducted at the source. Be careful, there are other local taxes in Peru.

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The data collected by Expat International Care is necessary to respond to your request, offer you a contract tailored to your needs, and facilitate the subscription of your insurance contract. Upon your agreement, your data may also be collected for commercial prospecting purposes. Data marked with an (*) are mandatory. Failure to provide them will prevent us from validly processing your request. To learn more about the processing of your data and your rights, please consult our Privacy Policy.

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