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What Is the Average Salary in Miami?

Connaître le salaire moyen à Miami avant de décider d'y vivre


With its beautiful beaches and year-round warm weather, Miami is a city that attracts many expatriates from around the world. Locally, there are many high-paying job opportunities for highly skilled workers.

The average salary in Miami in 2022 is approximately $4,420 per month or $53,040 per year.

Find out the average salary in Miami by profession as well as the ideal salary to live comfortably.

What is the Average Salary in Miami by Profession?

In Miami, salaries vary greatly depending on the industry and the number of years of experience of workers.

Specific sectors such as health or new technologies are experiencing a labor shortage. Qualified and experienced profiles, highly sought after by employers, can obtain significantly high salaries in Miami.

Here is a table summarizing the average salaries in Miami by profession:

ProfessionAverage Monthly Salary
Administrative assistant$3,750
Teacher (high school)$5,000
Real estate agent$6,000
Construction worker$3,750
Web designer$7,000

What is the Minimum Wage in Miami?

Each state is entitled to apply its regulations regarding the minimum wage. However, federal law requires employers in the country to pay a minimum wage of 7.25 USD per hour.

In the state of Florida, the minimum wage is $10 per hour. It is the minimum that employers must meet.

Note that salary negotiation is a common practice. It is important to negotiate your monthly salary and any benefits the employer may offer.

What is the Average Salary in Miami to Live Comfortably?

It is necessary to consider the salary with the cost of living in Miami.

Here is a table to give you a better idea of the annual budget for living alone in Miami:

Expense ItemAverage Annual Budget
One-bedroom apartment in downtownBetween $25,000 and $32,000
One-bedroom apartment outside the city centerBetween $18,000 and $22,000
Services (water, internet, electricity, etc.)$2,800
Public transport pass$1,500
Sport and hobbyBetween $2,000 and $6,000

Thus, it is recommended to have an annual income of about $50,000 to live comfortably in Miami. This amount allows you to meet your daily expenses and enjoy the city’s activities.

The Average Salary in Miami vs Other US Cities

The average salary in the USA varies considerably between the different states. In the states with a less dynamic economy and a low level of education in the population, the salaries are pretty low.

On the other hand, salaries are very attractive in developed states and large cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Washington.

Here is a table showing the average salary in Miami compared to other major US cities:

CityAverage Monthly Salary
Miami (Florida)$4,420
New York City (New York)$6,000
San Francisco (California)$6,820
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)$5,033
Seattle (Washington)$6,194
Las Vegas (Nevada)$4,163
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)$4,525
Los Angeles (California)$5,600
Albuquerque (New Mexico)$3,500
Salem (Oregon)$3,000

The average salary in Miami may seem low compared to other major U.S. cities. However, it is important to consider the cost of living in each city. The cost of living in New York or San Francisco is significantly higher than in Miami.

Now you know the average salary in Miami per profession and the monthly salary to expect to enjoy Florida’s activities fully. Housing is the most relevant expense. So take the time to compare housing offers using a Miami real estate agency.

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